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Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University visited Rosatom's Medvezhenskaya wind power plant


Such events help to stimulate future young specialists' interest in the wind power industry, assess their potential and prospects of joining the industry

Fourth-year students of the Electric Power Engineering Department of Stavropol State Agrarian University (StGAU) visited Rosatom's Medvezhenskaya wind power plant. The tour was hosted by Vasily Yeremeev, Deputy Technical Director of the wind farm.

During the tour, the students learned about wind turbine design and WPP operational aspects. They were introduced to the modus operandi of the WPP operations control room, Wind Farm grid connection equipment and were able to witness the real-time operation of the software system (it monitors about 60 parameters for each wind turbine). Vasily Yeremeev made detailed comments on all aspects of the equipment operation. In particular, he noted that the software is a Russian development. Its implementation allowed the company to be import-independent in terms of software for managing WPP.

In 2024, the number of students who held internships at the Wind Energy Division of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (ROSATOM) increased by 70% compared to the previous year. During the first quarter of 2024, more than 10 career events were held at the flagship universities: these included job fairs, sightseeing tours to Rostom's wind power facilities, etc. "Holding this kind of events allows not only to enhance the interest of future young specialists in the wind power industry, but also to assess their potential and prospects of working in the industry. Students who wish to learn about the specifics of our work are offered an annual internship. Last year, two graduates were already employed by our company. Construction and operation of WPPs require a constant inflow of specialists and advanced training, so building ties with educational organizations is one of Rosatom's important priorities," said Vasily Yeremeev.

"The task of our faculty is to raise the professional competence of power engineering students. Practical training at wind power plants contributes to the development of necessary competencies and makes graduates more competitive on the labor market. Today, as part of a sightseeing tour, students saw firsthand how one of Rosatom's nine wind farms operates and can compare it with other modern energy facilities in the Stavropol region. I am sure that such events will become regular," said Maxim Mastepanenko, Dean of the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering at Stavropol State Agrarian University.


Background information:

The Wind Energy Division of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (ROSATOM) consolidates the State Corporation's efforts in advanced segments and technology platforms of the electric energy industry. The Division was incorporated in September 2017. Its focus is on managing all of the competencies of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (ROSATOM) in the wind energy sector, from design and construction to power engineering and WPPs operation. To date, the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (ROSATOM) has commissioned over 1 GW of wind power capacity. In total, by 2027, the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (ROSATOM) will put into operation wind power plants with a total capacity of about 1.7 GW.

Practical training at the facilities of the Wind Energy Division of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (ROSATOM) is an exciting experience for students, allowing them to gain skills to work on modern wind farm management equipment, as well as at Russia's only plant for the production of multi-megawatt-class wind turbine components.

Major Russian companies continue to expand the range of solutions for unlocking the potential of students and young employees. The State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (ROSATOM) and its enterprises are engaged in opening basic departments in Russian universities, implementing scholarship support programs, major educational projects, and organizing internships and apprenticeships for students with subsequent employment.