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General Introduction

One of the new areas of development of JSC NovaWind's activities in the electric power industry is to study the potential of using digital services for commercial dispatching of power consumption modes involving mode control of various power-consuming and generating equipment, as well as electric energy storage systems. Development of the digital commercial dispatching service is aimed at solving the following tasks:  

  • utilization of the potential of prosumers and retail generation at consumers in the retail electricity market;  
  • implementation of consumer load management and commercial dispatching projects based on electricity consumption, generation equipment and electricity storage systems;
  • development of a unified digital commercial dispatching platform for replication of services; 
  • setting up prerequisites for changing the domestic regulatory framework for widespread use of digital commercial dispatching services in the electric power industry in general, increasing the efficiency and reliability of the UES operation;
  • entering the foreign market of digital services in the electric power industry aimed at real-time management of consumers' electric load.

These tasks are implemented through the development of metering systems used by consumers, application of machine learning technologies (development of predictive and optimization models) aimed at optimizing energy supply modes for consumers, taking into account the construction of complex forecasting models that take into account factors affecting the change in the price of electricity and power in the wholesale and retail electricity markets. As part of its commercial dispatching business, JSC NovaWind is conducting a series of digital energy pilot projects aimed at developing new customer services based on the use of digital models for managing electricity consumption data. This line of business already offers a number of standardized services for managing the electric load of industrial consumers. These products and services are offered by Atom Power Industry Trade JSC, a company that is part of JSC NovaWind–

Demand response (DR)

Unified service for collection, processing, storage and transmission of commercial and technical electricity metering data

Peak demand dispatch

Peak power generation management

Electric power storage system supply and provision of services for its dispatch