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Celebrations dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the country’s nuclear industry will take place in Russia


The anniversary of the nuclear industry is celebrated in Russia. Within 75 days, ROSATOM will hold more than 100 events across the nation dedicated to the country’s nuclear industry. The slogan of the celebration is “75 years: ahead of the times”.
August 20, 1945 became the starting point in the history of Russian nuclear industry, which has been defending the country, providing people with energy, developing science and new technologies far beyond the nuclear field, for 75 years. On this day, a Special Committee under the USSR State Defense Committee and the First Main Directorate under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR were created to manage the work on the atomic project.
For a long time the industry was one of the most secretive, and talking about even the most peaceful achievements of atomic science was not a common place. Most people do not realize that many technologies and solutions available to us today - from diagnostic medical equipment to security systems – have been researched and made at the nuclear enterprises.
ROSATOM celebration will start on August 20 - the birthday of the nuclear industry - and will last 75 days. It will tell people about the Russian nuclear industry and the role it plays in the life of each of us. All events are divided into three major parts: "Past", "Present" and "Future."
On the first day, several important events dedicated to the history of the industry and honoring veterans will take place. Monuments and memorial plaques to famous Soviet atomic scientists will be unveiled, including a monument to the legendary Minister of Medium Machine Building Efim Slavsky near the ROSATOM headquarters on Bolshaya Ordynka Street in Moscow.
One of the central events of the celebrations in the "Present" part will be a big festive concert in the State Kremlin Palace, which will be broadcast on television on September 27. On September 28, on the Day of the Nuclear Industry Worker, which will become an official day off in atomic cities, a teleconference “Nuclear cities calling”- a five-hour broadcast on the website will take place.
The main event of the “Future” part within the framework of the anniversary events will be the opening of the all-Russian science festival Nauka 0+ “Physics of the Future”, which will be held on October 9-18. The festival will host open lectures by famous scientists, discussions about the future, unique scientific and educational films. Creative workshops, interactive exhibitions, science maker fair, competitions of robots, teleconferences with the International Space Station (ISS), the Russian Antarctic Station, excursions to scientific laboratories, Science Slam battles, outdoor expositions, science quests and much more are planned. The anniversary festival will be dedicated to breakthrough technologies in nuclear energy, medicine, biology, IT, artificial intelligence, nanoparticles and other areas of physics that will determine the development of humanity for the coming centuries.
The Next75 youth conference on 31 October in Sochi will be one of the closing events of the anniversary campaign. World-renowned scientists, including Konstantin Novoselov, Nobel Prize winner in physics for the discovery of graphene, Richard Stallman, founder of the free software movement, Thomas Frey, the best lecturer on the future according to Google, Peter Westerback, one of the creators of Angry Birds, and others, will discuss the future with talented young people.
For more information about the celebratory events, please visit