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Acknowledgement of the company

Compliance with international rules and standards, membership of international organizations

Wind power generation is included, without reservation, in the green/sustainable taxonomies as a low-carbon source of electricity:

  • EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy
  • Russia’s Green and Adaptation Project Taxonomy
  • Climate Bonds Initiative Taxonomy (CBI)
  • LMA’s Sustainability Linked-Loan Principles and Green Loan Principles

NovaWind participates in the work of national (Russia Renewable Energy Development Association) and international (Kazakhstan’s Qazaq Green, and South African Wind Energy Association) wind power development organisations).

Acknowledgements in Russia

NovaWind participates in the work of national (Russia Renewable Energy Development Association) and international (Kazakhstan’s Qazaq Green, and South African Wind Energy Association) wind power development organisations. In Russia, NovaWind is a key factor in shaping the national policy on the use and support of renewable energy and also contributes to the deployment of the national ‘green’ certification (guarantee of origin) system.

Contribution to national development goals and participation in national (federal) projects of the Russian Federation

NovaWind contributes to Russia’s renewable energy development goals established in the Clean Energy federal project under the Energy Development government programme (it is one of the 42 initiatives of social and economic development until 2030 approved by the Government of the Russian Federation).

The federal project targets at commissioning of 5.7 GW of renewable generation capacity by the end of 2024, and 12.1 GW by 2030.

According to the base-case scenario of the Russian Low-Carbon Social and Economic Development Strategy 2050 approved by Russian Government Decree No. 3052-r of October 29, 2021, the share of renewable generation in the national energy mix will grow to 12.5%. NovaWind meets the objectives of the Strategy by achieving the required share of local content in its equipment and observing the principles of environmental responsibility.